Saturday, July 21, 2007

My 2nd Birthday Party @ Tom's World

My 2nd birthday party was a blast! It was well attended. Tataylolo & Mommyla was there with my Granny and relatives from Batangas, my Marcos family were there (except my Lola Sylvia and Ninang Doodoo) my Pasion relatives were there (even my lola choleng), my daddy and mommy's friends and officemates were there, my ninongs and ninangs were there (except for some who are oh so far away). I enjoyed myself although Mommy's expecting more from it. (the bubble show was cancelled due to some glitch and the mc donalds crew were very far from being good). I never knew I have a bestfriend Borgy and girlfriend Angel until this time. hehehe. After the party, all my newly kiddie friends enjoyed their free all you can rides.

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