Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Dada's Shoes!

Hey, its my 35th-month birthday! We have a class today so me and yaya went to "schoo" as usual. Snack for today is beef macaroni and Mom wondered whether I'am eating right in school because she knows I haven't eaten macaroni in my lifetime. Mom wrote to teacher Kat last night how am I in terms of my eating in school. Perhaps, teacher Kat has something to say because when Mom checked my communication notebook, its not in my bag.

Well, something happened today. At the end of our class, we went out of our room and went to our rack where we "hide" our shoes. You see, every morning, teacher Kat goes out in the school's waiting area where we are basically "waiting", to fetch all of Nursery 1 students (that's us). We fall in line and as we enter we take off our shoes and place it nicely in the shoe rack. We enter our room with just our socks. So there! When I am about to put on my pair of shoes, I found the other piece of my shoe in CJ's hand. He's telling teacher Kat and his mom that its his shoes, while I am sure it is mine! I asked yaya's help so she can get my shoe from CJ's. Teacher Kat asked me again if that's my shoes and I said, "Dada's shoes!" So teacher Kat recovered my shoe from CJ's grip which made him cry. CJ's mom wasn't exactly sure if it was or wasn't CJ's because she was not the one who bought his shoes. Yaya told mommy about this because apparently yaya was not sure either if it really is mine. You know what, when I came home, I made sure my shoe won't be taken from me again, I put it beside me in my sleep. Daddy confirmed that it really is my shoe and Mom put already my name in it. See, it really is Dada's shoes!

Presenting my 1st pair of school shoes:

Note: Its name is Edmund (model name) and it is size 10! See at age 35months I'm already a 10! We bought this from Market!Market!.

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