Wednesday, August 13, 2008

First Quarter Assessment

Yesterday, it was Mandarin Class assessment... I went home with a stamp with a chinese-like character and a bear - for whatever that means... Dad and Mom has no idea.

Today, is our class first quarter assessment. I know my alphabet... although sometimes I confuse my Aa and Ii with some letters but the rest are oh so easy. I also know my numbers although sometimes I forget what number "1 & 2" looks like but the rest especially my 3-4-5 are easy and I can identify even in my sleep. Colors.... hmmm... its very strange that I can't quite identify and match them... but I know I'll get there one day. My assessment started 9:00am and ended 10:00am. I went home with a "very good" stamp. Well mommy will look at my communication notebook if I did well.

But I'm sure - she'll be happy for whatever it is written in there.

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