Friday, August 15, 2008

Of thank you's and Sowi

Duncan ready to sleep:

Mommy: Duncan, you like milk?
Duncan: Yeah.
Mommy: Big or small? (pertaining to the size of the bottle)
Duncan: Big!

Mommy about to prepare the milk. Duncan came rushing. Wanting to prepare his own milk. Mommy will put down the can of his old time favorite powdered infant/junior milk and opens the Avent bottle filled with distilled water.

Duncan : One, Two, Three, Four, Five... oppsss... sowi mommy.

There was spilled powder on the floor. He will rush to the nearest "lampin" to clean the mess. Mommy about to touch the scoop...

Duncan: Mommy, No! Duncan!
Mommy: Ok... Sorry.

Will wait for few more minutes perhaps half a century until he finishes his 9 scoops of milk which should have been finished 1 minute tops.

Duncan: Yey! Finish Now!
Mommy: ok.. go to bed... mommy will shake...

After settling down.

Mommy: Here's your milk. Sleeping Time!
Duncan: Thanks Mommy! (complete with hugs and kiss)

Oh... every waiting minutes is so worth it!

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